Which dream interpretation tool is your favourite?

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    • #7388

      That’s favourite in English spelling 🙂

      Of all the tools and techniques you have learned in course 1, How to interpret your dreams step-by-step, which is your go-to favourite?

    • #7434
      Barbara Courtille

      Reduce the dream to one simple sentence


      • #7454
        Synchro Z

        The Dream Question draws me…

    • #7472

      I like the one simple sentence thing too but I do enjoy the having a conversation with the symbol, it’s amazing what pops out.

      Like… mm… I dreamt about a small blue egg and I accidentally stood on it and broke it and oh no.   so in waking life I asked the egg, what were you doing there?
      – Well I was rather hoping you’d  let me grow.
      – oh no….. so why were you on the ground?
      – Because I was pretty sure you’d stand on me and I wanted to see if you would
      – oh….  what were you going to grow into?
      – if you see me again make sure you protect me and we’ll see


      oh….  isn’t it funny who’s in there in your Other Me places? the voices? fascinating.


    • #7482
      Barbara Courtille

      Also using 3 words to describe the people in the dream, or their attitude to life, and then the opposite.

    • #7483

      One simple sentence. It always works!

    • #7487

      It does.   What draws you to these particular tools

    • #7569

      Though the simple sentence and 3 words seem essential; my favorite is the interpretation of symbols and the way their meanings can continue to unfold like a flower for days, with layers of meaning.  I am often awestruck by the poetic ingenuity of the unconscious.  It helps me believe in God.

    • #8515

      I also like the one simple sentence, but I really love to describe it to an alien!!


      I think this often helps me to really uncover the symbolism of things, especially if i am getting stuck. What is this thing? or person? or place? what does it do?  What does it look like? How does it feel? what is its purpose?


      I often find an immediate parallel in this way.

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