Welcome and please introduce yourself

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    • #14589

      It’s been a while since we’ve had a Welcome thread for new students (or graduates joining the forum for the first time, or those of you who have interacted here and want to say hi again)! So why not say hello here? This space is for you, the community, and although I do pop in to post about new podcasts and blogs that I think might interest you, it’s really about dedicating a space where you can all communicate and get to know each other. So please, enjoy!

    • #15560
      Lela Goldwyn


      My name is Lela, and I live in Washington state, just north of Seattle. COVID has afforded me a little more time in my life, so I have stepped back into the dream arena. I am hoping to learn more about my dreams-in all its aspects. I often have precognitive dreams, but I am very interested in dream interpretation! Thanks, Lela

      • #15664

        Hello again Lela,
        I wanted to add: Time to explore our dreams and reconnect with ourselves is a path many are choosing during Covid, a path to walk not only through but also after.
        I hope you are enjoying the course.
        Jane Teresa

    • #15565

      Hello Lela,

      A warm welcome! Indeed this is a good time to step more deeply into our dreams.

      It seems that most of our students flow quietly through our courses without popping in to say hello, and I would love to see more people here, chatting about the course, their dreams, and related things. Thank you for saying hi!

    • #15625

      Hi, I’m Fiona and I’m very pasionate about dreaming. I’m intrigued by both the conscious and unconcious mind and how to unlock what is hidden in the latter. I’ve joined here as a first step to actually understanding my dreams and I look forward to the journey.

    • #15649
      Lela Goldwyn

      Hi Fiona, Good to hear from a fellow student!

      • #15697

        Thanks Lela! It’s good to be onboard the dream boat. Hope you enjoy the course.

    • #15661
      Beth Forrester

      Hello, my name is beth, I’m currently doing your second course Jane Teresa, on Dream Alchemy, I’m LOVING the approach, it’s so interesting, I’ve avoided a structured analytical approach previously but it felt right, and I’m so enjoying the detailed framework you set out. I’m an intuitive artist and advocate and would love to work more with my clients and their dreams one day. Hello everyone!

      • #15669

        Welcome Beth,
        Thank you for introducing yourself. So wonderful that you’ve chosen to work with your clients on their dreams one day. Dream analysis and dream alchemy are indeed an art and a science, a calculated blend of the intuitive and the analytical that deliver insight beyond the sum of the parts.
        Enjoy the magic!
        Jane Teresa

    • #15674
      Beth Forrester

      Thank you Jane Teresa! There’s one thing on my mind about the work so far which something in me keeps wanting to ask about! I don’t know if this is the wrong place to ask a question about the course? It’s the information about the dream being related directly to waking life event 1-2 days before the dream. It might just be that left to my own devices I’ve always looked at dreams differently regarding the time scale, but I’m really interested as to why this is the case? It’s brought a very different feeling to how I approach my dreams. Thankyou, and apologies if this is not the right place to ask this question.

      • #15680

        Hi Beth, I’m glad that you are applying the 1-2 days approach and noting how different it is, even though it is not your usual approach. You asked why it is the case that our dreams are directly related to the 1-2 days beforehand. It is something I noticed when I did my early research, when I was comparing people’s dreams with their notes about their waking life experiences, and I have continuously observed this working with clients ever since. Our dreams are processing the last 1-2 days (in a less busy world I suspect it would be one day, but with so much to process my observation is there can be a bit of a backlog).

        Here’s where people can get confused: dreams firstly relate to the 1-2 days beforehand then they refer back into the past to compare those recent experiences with past similar experiences – conscious and unconscious. This is part of the updating process. That done, some dreams will then project forward to possible future scenarios where the dreaming mind tests out – or practises – the newly updated mindset (or the stubbornly-resistant same-same mindset). This is why you can identify elements from the past (unresolved issues, origin of beliefs etc) and notice possible avenues you might try into the future.

        I hope this helps. The key to interpretation strongly lies in first finding the connection with the last 1-2 days. Once you have that you’ll find it easier to identify and relate to the rest of the dream, including the resonating past and potential future references.

        Try it out!

    • #15682
      Beth Forrester

      Thank you Jane Teresa! That’s very helpful, particularly how you have pointed out that we WILL feel echoes from the past quite strongly, but that is because something that occurred in the last 1-2 days has felt similar, and may relate to a stubborn issue! I have a fair few stubborn issues that come up, ( which is why I’m interested in working with dreams and the unconscious in the first place I guess!) and it’s so easy for me to go back towards the root of these feelings rather than see that there are more recent flowers or fruits that are much fresher versions of this theme that I can work with. Thanks for your detailed reply, I’m just now beginning my first dream alchemy chart, and am excited to use your methods and draw on your experience.

      • #15684

        Thank you Beth,
        I love the way you have expressed recent reflections of stubborn issues as flowers or fruits. I think you’re going to enjoy the poetry of conducting dream alchemy.
        Jane Teresa

    • #15691
      Beth Forrester

      Thank you for your encouragement Jane Teresa, I am loving it all so far, and really feel like I’m using new muscles with your approach!

    • #15699
      Beth Forrester

      Hi Fiona, I am new here too, I look forward to discussing our different journeys!

    • #15701
      Beth Forrester

      Hi Lela, I’m new here and from England, I hope we can share some of our thoughts and feelings about the different courses we are doing!

    • #15722

      Popping in here to add a note: Beth has started a new thread on Glimmers of Gold which you’ll love. Encouraging those of you who receive updates to threads by email to check into the forum from time to time to see if there are any new topics started. (The system doesn’t provide for email alerts for new topics started.)

    • #15811

      Hi everyone, my name is Lisa Jaye and I live in Charleston, SC! I bought this course earlier this year, started really recording my dreams each night but never made the time to really analyze them due to my busy work schedule. I am here to start dreaming again, analyzing my dreams, and to really engage in this forum by trying my hand at helping others interpret dreams so that I can gain more skill.

      • #15814

        Hi Lisa Jaye,
        Enjoy this lovely space, and I look forward to seeing more students engaging and assisting each other with interpretation here in the forum. Go!

    • #15816
      Beth Forrester

      Hi Lisa Jaye, nice to meet you – I’m in the UK, and like you by the sound of it, very interested in this subject! Hope we all chat more on this forum about the different parts of the courses we are working with 🙂

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