Weekly Dream Thread Idea?

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    • #15818

      Hi everyone! I wonder if there is anything we can do to keep people engaged and participating?

      I was thinking something like this but maybe there are better ideas, so let me know. I was thinking, maybe we can start a running thread where each week we have a new dream volunteer and for that week we post to help them decode or maybe even answer questions they may have, and even suggestions for a dream alchemy. Each week there would be a new dream to decode (kinda like the podcast) except it’s one of the dreams from someone here on the forum. Anyone could volunteer and maybe we can keep a list in the thread of who volunteers to post a dream in the coming weeks. The purpose of this running thread would be we would all be in conversation and learning from each other together.

      Thoughts? Just thinking because I would like to use this space as a resource.

    • #15820

      I love this idea, and look forward to seeing it happen. It’s a perfect space for this.

    • #15842
      Beth Forrester

      I like this idea too Lisa – although I’ve had less helpful experiences on dream forums where everyone just wades in from every angle in a big jumble, and although it’s often very enthusiastic which is lovely, it can feel quite unhelpful and confusing in terms of the dream. From my previous experience (which is only my personal experience, and isn’t huge!) is that it was most helpful when members engage with alternative questions the dreamer could ask her or himself, maybe that’s something that could be involved? I’d love to read an chat with you about a dream if you have one you want to start with?

    • #15849

      Wow! I love this idea. I’m not a great dream interpreter, but I could help with my insights, questions to explore, ideas for dream alchemy, etc. I’m in!… 🙂

    • #15856
      Beth Forrester

      I’m having real trouble with a dream , so if nobody minds I can try and start this thing? I feel like my dream describes the OPPOSITE of what happened in my waking life, but also what has been my habit for many many years, and so I feel very confused.

      I am standing on a path beside my youngest child’s primary school, I’m in the shade with some women, perhaps three, who I can’t see. A man drives slowly last in a pick up truck with a trailer on. I immediately approach him, stepping out of the shaded area into the lit grass verge, and ask him if he needs any help as he looks lost.

      He says yes he’s looking for this place, in my dream I faintly know the name but can’t help him. I try quite hard to remember, I want to help him. I think he’s quite attractive, but this thought sort of surprises me. He seems like he’s going to drive off, but I follow him and offer to phone my ex husband who usually knows where places are because he’s always on the roads delivering machines.

      He pulls into a lay-by while I phone Rob. I notice there are three small blonde young boys playing and scampering in the otherwise empty trailer, they are evidently his sons. He is their father. They all look a similar age. They are mischievous and jumping around having fun, their father is in the truck on his phone. They show me a brochure, which looks like it should have machinery or something in it, and it has pictures of underwear and sex related items in it! I look at it and realise the man is looking for a female companion! The little boys think it’s very funny and somehow this subject matter is not in any way inappropriate for them, they are part of their fathers search. I look at the brochure, understand what the man wants to find, and despite feeling a bit ambivalent I decide that as I can’t get hold of Rob I will go along with him and offer that too!

      We then find ourselves at a garden centre type place, he and the boys seem fairly unaware of me,
      infact the boys aren’t there for a bit, and it seems a little like an old people’s home, and also a place in Arizona I once visited where there were piles and piles of pieces of fossilised tree. As the man decides he has finished there, didn’t find what he wanted ( which has become more vague again ) we decide to go to the door. At the door, something happens where both of us are obscured to each other. Then we can see each other again, and although there’s an uneasy feeling, we agree it was a misunderstanding.

      Then I offer why don’t you all come back to my house ( which is a long way in the other direction) and have some food. I realise this may mean having sex with th3 man, but I’m rather casual and just seem oddly compelled to keep offering more. The man did sent seem bothered either way, but they all come back to my house, which is a bit like as it’s was when I first moved in there twenty
      years ago, and then I prett6 much wake up.

      The only situation I can think of in the days before was a huge heated row with a friend I’ve become very suddenly close with, who is very ill, and who I have seen I’m doing this offering thing to. I have done this a lot in my life and am very conscious of this pattern. But what happened that day was a huge vicious row about women’s rights and my friend denying women had eve4 had any disadvantage in the world, something I feel very strongly about, and his attitude stretched towards race and economic privileges too, he was vehemently denying the, all. He is a white make who was educated at one of the best schools in the world, and I became incandescent with this feeling of injustice. This is quite rare for me, but I can remember three iccassi9ns in the past where I felt this crazy rage about an injustice. I can’t make the connections with my dream, but I can’t at all think what else it was about if not very opposite side of same behavioural coin !!

      Thank you hugely if anyone has the patience or time for this! I’m hoping you can see something o can’t ! Thank you thank you !

    • #15858
      Beth Forrester

      One thing I forgot, as we leave this garden centre ish place, the man walks in front of me, I don’t like how he walks, it doesn’t feel attractive to me, but I put it to one side vexactly as I have done with the argument friend I described. The feeling of the dream was that I felt very calm and happy and was very keen to stay near to this mans needs, but in the waking life opposite situation I was raging and felt horrible and wanted ( for the first time in this relationship which I am in my conscious mind quite unsure of) to utterly cut myself off from my friend.

    • #15911
      Emma Kirby

      Hi, Beth!

      If the dream relates to the waking life situation you refer to, you seem to be asking yourself if you’re prepared to go on “offering” and helping someone with old and fossilized values. Your values “are a long way in the other direction” from the man in the dream and they don’t seem to have changed during 20 years, but you’re still prepared to invite him to your house even though his values are different from yours.

      You are so used to helping people that you don’t even seem to notice that the man doesn’t ask for help at any point, you simply offer it to him all through the dream: it’s you who step out of the shade to ask if he needs help, you try hard to remember the name of the place he’s going to, you phone your ex-husband while he’s waiting, you offer to be his companion, and you invite him/they to your house. I don’t know if you are happy about your “offering” behaviour in waking life, but to me it doesn’t seem as if your dream is saying that you’re unhappy with it. What it seems to say is that maybe you can still offer help to someone that you don’t agree with. Even if you experienced the row as vicious in waking life, your unconscious seems to think of it as just a misunderstanding.

      On a deeper level the dream is about some kind of conflict between your male and female side, but I am too tired right now (close to bedtime where I live) to try to figure that one out. I hope that my interpretation will be of help to you.

    • #16058

      I notice a few ‘themes'(some include opposites, which is always a good clue)- the number 3, the offering theme, trucks or trailers (full of machines or empty and waiting to be filled), coming out of the shade into the light or things and people being vague or obscured, primary school vs. old folks home /fossils, and finally kids or something young (something just developing?, attractive and not attractive).
      I agree with Emma that the dream is processing a male/female and/or old/new pattern within yourself (perhaps to do with your pattern of offering help)- the beginning of the dream seems to set the tone for this.
      The three, shadowy women seem like-parts of yourself that you aren’t consciously aware of yet, but they become more and more defined as the dream progresses. In fact, might they they transform into the 3 little boys who are all the same age? What age are the boys? What does blonde mean to you?
      If the boys were there all along then the man’s truck/trailer wasn’t empty after all, was it? (empty/full theme)
      Could the fact that the boys don’t perceive the subject of sex as titillating be pointing to the fact that, in your dream, sex symbolizes a union rather than an arousing sexual act?
      Is it possible that the desire to stay near the man in the dream and provide for his needs is because there are new developing needs within yourself that need attention and nurturing?
      I see the beginning with the primary school as a location an example of something being newly developed in you.
      In your waking life, was this one of the first times that you realized that your offer of helping another person (your sexist friend) was affecting you in a negative way you (by going against your values and honestly the values we need on the planet at this time)? Or have you realized that before? Actually, I went back and read that you have had this realization 3 times prior (3!)
      Injustice seems to be a major theme (even though it wasn’t in the dream drama). Injustice gets your passion going. It makes you want to act. It makes you dream and realize new things about yourself. Injustice is an energy. It has power. At it’s core it is anger. And you were certainly angry.
      The ending of the dream is interesting. It sounds like the man and the 2 boys come back to your house where you will provide them sustenance (food). The house looks the way it looked 20 years ago? Does the house look different now? In what way? Have you lived in the house for 20 years? What happened 20 years ago? Or when you were 20? Something 20 years ago or when you were 20 is significant and has to do with how your dream is trying to resolve the drama.
      If you could write one simple sentence about the dream, what would it be?

      I hope this sparks some creative juices to flow. I love this idea-thanks!!!!!

    • #16060

      In the last paragraph I meant 3 boys, not 2.

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