The unconcious mind vs the concious mind

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    • #15631

      If we resolve the “issues and problems” in our dream mind, change the pattern to achieve better outcomes, delve into, free and unlock our unconcious mind, do we then have an unlimited ability to resolve all in our concious or waking state? Is it freedom without fear? Do we knock down the building blocks / foundations that have perhaps confined us and in doing so re-establish our foundations based on our own conscious thoughts? Or, are we yet again influenced by those around us?

      Just thinking out loud…

    • #15747
      Beth Forrester

      I can only offer my own thinking out loud in response to your post Fiona, I feel like we can mine the unconscious really effectively, and gain wonderful insight into how we might be preventing our own progress and evolution, but I don’t feel like we’d ever be free from fear. For me, and perhaps others, fear is itself a sign of growth, and in my experience never lessens as we move through life. What it does maybe do is become more recognisable as an ally, a sign that there is potentially powerful, expansive change afoot! I am currently feeling terrified at some of the change and shifts ( and implied action taking !!… ) that my recent dream alchemy has brought up… I don’t know what will happen in my life as a result of this, but I do know that a life without any kind of fear, for me, would be stagnation …

    • #15749

      I’m enjoying this topic!

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