New blog: Unconscious Wealth

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      I hope you’ll enjoy my new blog today at The Dream Academy:

      I woke up this morning shortly after meeting a man, in my dreams, who told me about his website: ‘’.

      Actually, all he told me was the name of the site, and he was quite specific about the ‘dot com dot blog’ part. It was an isolated dream, just the brief meeting, the mention of the website, and then I was awake, grinning from ear to ear.

      I had gone to sleep knowing I needed to think of a topic for today’s blog, and my dreaming mind had presented me with a title: Unconscious Wealth. I instantly liked it. My waking mind buzzed with ideas, which I’ll now whittle down into a short blog rather than a book. It would make a good book title, though, wouldn’t it?

      One of the functions of dreaming is creative problem solving, coming up with potential solutions for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges.

      Some of the solutions will be obvious and exciting, ones you’ll be eager to action because they feel right, like the Unconscious Wealth idea for today’s blog from my dream.

      Some dream solutions will be wildly crazy in a surreal way, offering golden nuggets once you cut through the symbolism and play with the themes. An example might be dreaming of training a reluctant elephant to talk when you’ve been experiencing a relationship difficulty. You might discover that your dreaming mind pictured the ‘elephant in the room’ – that issue neither of you wanted to acknowledge – the issue that needs to be expressed to help resolve the difficulties.

      Commonly, your dreaming mind will tackle a problem but not find a solution. Instead …


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