New blog: Social Dreaming

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    • #13555

      Here’s my new blog over at for you:

      Imagine this: as you fall asleep and dream, a musician sits at his piano and reaches into the music sphere, opening to the dream world, composing music to gift you upon awakening.

      Then imagine this: You, the dreamer, fall asleep listening to that very same composition, reaching into the dream sphere, opening to the music, awakening with dream symbols you draw upon to create the collage art work for the musician’s album.

      The musician is veteran singer-songwriter Tim Arnold, and the dreamer and artist is Kate Alderton, both based in the UK. The resultant album, Constellations, featuring violinist Jonathan Hill, was released this week. There are ten compositions, each written on a different night over the space of ten weeks. Each night began with a phone conversation about dreams, before Kate retired to bed and Tim took his seat at the piano.

      I immersed in the album earlier this month. It was an absolutely transporting delight. I particularly enjoyed the tracks Who Looks Outside, Dreams; Who Looks Inside, Awakens; and The Path of Heart. The soaring violin played my heartstrings across the board of the whole album.

      I was drawn to this project because it encompasses dreams, synchronicity, music, and a novel experimental approach to composition, so I was keen to interview Tim and Kate to discover more.


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