New blog: Can dreams sometimes be straightforward?

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    • #13736

      I hope you’ll enjoy this new blog I’ve just written for The Dream Academy:

      Can dreams sometimes be straightforward?

      “Are dreams always symbolic, or are some dreams straightforward and obvious in their meaning?

      It’s easy to acknowledge that our weird and surreal dreams are symbolic, but what about those dreams that seem very much like our day to day life, give or take a few differences? If you dream about going to work and having an altercation with your boss, might this be a straightforward dream about your differences of opinion with your boss, or is it symbolic of something else? If you dream about looking for a bigger house to move into, might this be a straightforward dream about feeling cramped at home and ready to find a more spacious option, or does it have deeper meaning on a symbolic level?

      Let’s begin by exploring the one about moving into a bigger house.”


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