New blog: A night at the Dream Oscars

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      I’ve just published a new blog, here at The Dream Academy:

      This is an excerpt from my book, The Dream Handbook, (published by Hachette Australia and Little Brown UK), pages 17-20. Originally, I called it ‘A night at the Dream Oscars’ but the publishers felt it was safer, for legal reasons, to call it ‘A night at the Dream Awards’. I understand that, but here, in blog format, I think I’m safe to return to the theme of the Oscars. Enjoy:

      Thank you. I’ve got a piece of paper here somewhere. Oh, the tears! It’s been quite a journey from base metal to Dream Oscar! Now, where was I?

      Thank you. I’d like to thank my dreams for the spiritually inspiring alchemist’s stones they delivered that helped me in precipitating the solution that became my awakening. I see it all so clearly now.

      In a good night’s sleep you have about five big dreams, usually all concerning the same question. Each one contains a Philosophers’ Stone – an insight previously unknown to you that you can use to transform your waking life from base metal into gold. What treasure! What potential!

      Each night as you fall asleep you teeter on the verge of bringing home the gold. After ninety minutes of deep sleep, the first big dream is – well, let’s say the first dream is ‘screened’. The first big dream of the night is usually the most vivid and surreal.

      Imagine the excitement down in the basement of your deep unconscious – maybe tonight’s the night! Picture this. Your dream director paces in the dark:


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