Confused !

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  • Author
    • #15860
      Beth Forrester

      I have recently had a dream ( I’ve outlined it in the weekly dream thread idea thread!) in which my dream played out and described what I normally consciously do, whereas the event in the 1-2 days before my dream was an eruption from my unconscious shadow. I got quite confused trying to recreate better real life endings in relation to better dream endings, and also in the dream alchemy for this dream. I feel like it would have been easier if I had dreamed the unconscious shadow outburst, and had my usual conscious self in the waking life! Somehow I have become confused! When I am doing the alchemy for the dream, the outcome is obviously very different from the waking life example because they are opposite. That’s it – I’m confused about what to do with opposite dream/waking life examples. Especially when the unconscious bit happens in waking life not the other way round! I hope that’s clear, it was even confusing writing that out ..

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