New blog: Synchronicity or just another red Toyota?

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    • #14559

      Just posted today, I hope you enjoy it:

      A few weeks ago, I was listening to a podcast to get to know the host a little before being a guest on her show.

      I clicked on her most recent episode, listened to some of it while doing some exercise at home, then settled into a window seat to hear the rest of the interview. I’ve forgotten what it was about, but I think they were comparing notes on business styles while wandering off into engaging personal asides. In any case, I needed a post-exercise rest, so I was content to gaze out the window and follow their conversation for the next little while.

      I drifted in and out of listening, half contemplating some of the ideas they were sharing, going off on my own track, and half planning my day ahead, when my ears pricked up. I heard the word ‘synchronicity’, a subject dear to my heart. It wasn’t related to the topic of their chat, and I got the impression it arose spontaneously, so I was interested to hear what they had to say.

      The guest mentioned the RAS, the Reticular Activating System, and the role it can play in precipitating experiences of synchronicity.


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