Glimmers of Gold ⚡️⚡️⚡️

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    • #15719
      Beth Forrester

      Well, I’ve only mobilised one dream so far into the Dream Alchemy, and I’m amazed at all the change! Just thought I’d report back here by way of encouragement and to share my amazement!

      My dream interpretation generally speaking was to do with facing deeper levels of fear and sorrow than I have been, in order to move forward ( it was a huge terrifying gorilla in my garden who I kept slamming the door on 🙂

      I went through some serious changes a few years ago and had drawn to a bit of a frustrating and despairing halt. In the time since I’ve been doing the dream alchemy around this dream, I have had SO many shifts in my perception of myself, the part I am playing in painful and frustrating situations, the potential reasons for situations where I’ve been very hurt by others lately, that I can take some responsibility for, and all kinds of new layers and access into sadness and difficulties I felt sure I’d got to the bottom of. And not just those inner things, in this short time I have applied for, an got onto, a course I have been wanting to do for a few years but been too afraid about, and also made two appointments to get my house valued, meaning I can get the wheels in motion to move away from a house that no longer suits me. And hasn’t for YEARS! I could not access the courage to do these things before. Just couldn’t.

      I wanted to add ( sorry it’s a long post, I feel very enthused!) that if I had not been actively writing down the glimmers of gold as suggested by Jane Teresa, I certainly would have missed some of them, and might not have seen the powerful link to the work and the dream. All super validating and encouraging in relation to this work! I’d love to hear how other people are finding this process and ways they are noticing movement in their lives.

    • #15720

      Such a beautiful affirmation of both dream alchemy and the Glimmer of Gold practices. Thank you for sharing, and Big Congratulations on all the shifts. Your sharing is a lovely encouragement and a post is never too long 🙂

    • #15736
      Beth Forrester

      Thank you Jane Teresa, the shifts keep happening, and they all feel big, things that have felt stagnant and unmoveable for a Long Time! It’s so interesting …!

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