Dream journeys.

How many of your dreams are about journeys, going somewhere, or trying to get somewhere?

Perhaps you’re driving a car, riding a horse, taking a plane. Maybe the journey is fluid and easy. Or is the car falling apart, does the horse have its own ideas of where to take you, and is the plane taking off without you while you’re still struggling with your bags on the escalator?

The first step in interpreting a dream is not to pick up a dream dictionary. Your dream symbols are uniquely personal, and there are techniques to discover their meaning, but leave the symbols to one side to begin with. Instead, look at the drama of your dream journey and see where it applies in your life.

For example, if your dream journey is fluid and easy, where is everything going smoothly for you in life? (It might be, or it might not be, but this is the question to explore.) If your dream car is falling apart, where in your life do you feel (or fear) that you’re falling apart? If the dream horse has its own ideas of where to take you, might you be torn between your conscious commitment to a life path and a more unconscious drive to head in a different direction? If your dream plane leaves without you, what do you feel (or fear) you’re missing in life, and what is the struggle that is stopping you from taking off?

This approach, as I have outlined it here, is a little simplistic, but it’s a start if you are completely perplexed by a dream. In the first online course here at The Dream Academy, (How to interpret your dreams step-by-step), I show you how to build on this, and how to delve into it, to discover how your dream drama relates to your life and to understand how your conscious and unconscious mindset contribute to the way your life experiences are unfolding. There are a series of key steps to take when you learn how to interpret a dream: I guide you through each step so that your journey is fluid and easy.

I also guide you, in this course, to discover the uniquely personal meanings of your dream symbols. (In case you need the reminder, here’s why it’s not a good idea to use a dream dictionary.)

Talking of journeys, I am writing this blog a little ahead of its due date because we will be in the middle of moving house on the day it is published.

If you’ve read my most recent book, Bird of Paradise, you’ll have read the story about how we found our first house here in Hobart when we moved interstate from Brisbane. It’s a story ripe with synchronicity and wonder, and we have enjoyed this house and the location. This time we face the shortest of journeys as we are moving a few houses up the street. Again, we were blessed with synchronicity, ease, and wonder, and we’re looking forward to some of the benefits of our new home. At the time of writing, we are working out which small and delicate things it will be easier to carry in our hands to the new house rather than pack into boxes for the removalists. It will take the removalists a mere few seconds between locking the truck on exiting this house and unlocking it at our new front door.

If you have consulted me by Zoom or watched me on TV or video podcasts, you’ll be familiar with the red curtains (see below). The red curtains will not be coming with us. It’s time for a change! I’ll see you on the other side!

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Jane Teresa on ABC TV Weekend Breakfast

Jane Teresa Anderson's Books

Jane Teresa Anderson

Graduating with an Honours degree in Zoology specialising in developmental neurobiology from the University of Glasgow, dream analyst and dream therapist Jane Teresa Anderson has been researching dreams since 1992, and developing and teaching dream alchemy practices that shift perspective and reprogram unconscious limiting beliefs. Jane Teresa is a multi-published author (her latest book is BIRD OF PARADISE), and is a frequent guest in the media. She is also host of the long-running podcast, 'The Dream Show with Jane Teresa Anderson', and offers her online study and certificate courses through The Dream Academy.