Unconscious wealth.

I woke up this morning shortly after meeting a man, in my dreams, who told me about his website: ‘Unconsciouswealth.com.blog’.

Actually, all he told me was the name of the site, and he was quite specific about the ‘dot com dot blog’ part. It was an isolated dream, just the brief meeting, the mention of the website, and then I was awake, grinning from ear to ear.

I had gone to sleep knowing I needed to think of a topic for today’s blog, and my dreaming mind had presented me with a title: Unconscious Wealth. I instantly liked it. My waking mind buzzed with ideas, which I’ll now whittle down into a short blog rather than a book. It would make a good book title, though, wouldn’t it?

One of the functions of dreaming is creative problem solving, coming up with potential solutions for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges.

Some of the solutions will be obvious and exciting, ones you’ll be eager to action because they feel right, like the Unconscious Wealth idea for today’s blog from my dream.

Some dream solutions will be wildly crazy in a surreal way, offering golden nuggets once you cut through the symbolism and play with the themes. An example might be dreaming of training a reluctant elephant to talk when you’ve been experiencing a relationship difficulty. You might discover that your dreaming mind pictured the ‘elephant in the room’ – that issue neither of you wanted to acknowledge – the issue that needs to be expressed to help resolve the difficulties.

Commonly, your dreaming mind will tackle a problem but not find a solution. Instead it will reflect the way your mindset approaches the problem, showing you why the problem is likely to remain unresolved until your mindset is changed. You’ll recognise these dreams because their stories are unresolved. A simple example might be dreaming of running away and hiding from a wild animal, yet, as such a dream inevitably evolves, the wild animal finds you and you start running and hiding again, and again, and again. You might learn, from such a dream, that your conscious or unconscious mindset is programmed to run and hide rather than face whatever that wild animal represents in your life. It might represent a wildness within you, wonderful or not so wonderful, or an energy or situation you see as problematic in your life. The solution to the problem begins with facing your wildness, the situation, or the energy in your life. It’s a more long-winded route, but such a dream does offer you a solution to your problem.

Your unconscious mind is an immeasurable reservoir of untold wealth­–untold until the moment you decide to interpret and listen to your dreams.

People often think of the unconscious as a dark and scary place, a place where memories, emotions, and thoughts are repressed. It is true that we stuff a lot of what we don’t want to remember, feel, or think into our unconscious, but it’s facing that scary wildness–instead of hiding from it–that delivers a wealth of positive, healing results.

The unconscious mind can also hold a wealth of untapped potential, neglected talents and gifts, untried courage, undiscovered perspectives, ignored wisdom, unused skills, and endless love and compassion awaiting your permission to flow into expression in your world.

The unconscious mind is extremely powerful, often holding sway over our conscious decisions and intentions, making itself felt in our drives and actions, or rippling as synchronicities playing out before our eyes. By its very nature–being unconscious–it can leave us confused about our waking life experiences, questioning why we seem destined to live through repeated patterns, to encounter the same blocks, to find it difficult to resolve certain issues, or to be mystified by amazing synchronicities.

When you learn the art and science of interpreting your unique, personal dreams, you have the opportunity to acquaint yourself with the true depth of your unconscious wealth and bring the treasures of your choice into the light of day.

My dream last night reminded me that I have a wealth of blog ideas stowed away in my unconscious mind, as well as a wealth of resources for you to explore in the hundreds of blogs about dreams and dreaming that I have written for you over the past eleven years (at JaneTeresa.com) and the past three years at The Dream Academy. Both effectively provide unconscious wealth via dot com dot blog websites.

Bird of Paradise Jane Teresa Anderson

Jane Teresa Anderson

Graduating with an Honours degree in Zoology specialising in developmental neurobiology from the University of Glasgow, dream analyst and dream therapist Jane Teresa Anderson has been researching dreams since 1992, and developing and teaching dream alchemy practices that shift perspective and reprogram unconscious limiting beliefs. Jane Teresa is a multi-published author (her latest book is BIRD OF PARADISE), and is a frequent guest in the media. She is also host of the long-running podcast, 'The Dream Show with Jane Teresa Anderson', and offers her online study and certificate courses through The Dream Academy.


Cíntia · 24 July, 2020 at

What a playful dream! Perfect name for a successful website…

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